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Posts Tagged ‘Change’

It’s Your Choice!

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

You have a power that can’t be denied. It’s a gift of incredible energy and ability. It’s the power of Choice. We so often bury this power under mounds of unhealthy stress, abusive relationships, and pain.

The good news is we no longer have to sit back and let the negative issues in our lives, make us feel defeated. When we exercise our incredible power of Choice, we can choose to no longer be the victim but instead be the victor. We can decide happiness over depression, faith over fear, and determination over doubt. We can choose to leave anything that drains us mentally, emotionally, or physically. We can choose to thrive rather than just survive.

Now is the time! Channel and use your power of Choice. You’ll be happy you did.

-Dr. S

Reflection and Change!

Monday, December 31st, 2012

As 2012 comes to a close we all will take part in some form of reflection. This may be done through discussions with family and friends about the ups and downs of the year that once was or some intimate thinking about things we wished could have been better. No matter the case reflection is just the beginning stage of change. As you step into 2013 after reflecting on 2012, remember to prepare for changes you will make happen in the new year. The process of change is not about making resolutions that will quickly resolve once we start to experience obstacles in our lives. The process of change requires commitment that builds character and most importantly makes you accountable for making 2013 better than the last! My prayer is that we all reflect and then change for the better for the new year. Blessings, Health, and Prosperity for 2013!

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